What I have gained from mindfulness.
I’m able to notice the warning signs of when I am starting to overthink. I recognise the beginnings of negative emotion. I’m able to catch myself sooner. In the past the negativity would just build up and I’d end up lying in bed ruminating or led me to unhelpful distraction activities like comfort eating!
Now when I close my eyes I feel at home in my body and mind. I don’t have a frustration at myself. I feel a warm kindness to myself. When I have time doing nothing I don’t feel annoyed at myself. I don’t have to solve problems all the time. I feel emotions in my body and let them flow through with kindness, not carrying them with me all day.
I feel more connected to my energies so when I notice frustration I don’t allow it to leak on to people and situations in my life. I’m less reactive as I have a grounded base in myself that is more resilient to the knocks life can bring.
Now I can help you!
I love teaching mindfulness! I have a weekly class and work with people on a 1-2-1 basis. Call me for a chat. I’m always happy to talk about it!
Move towards deeper acceptance of yourself fully and not being pushed around by difficult experiences in life!